A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. - Proverbs 15:1

Components - Building Blocks 字

On this page, you can learn the pronunciation of Chinese words and their meaning. Use Google translate to learn how to pronounce the Chinese words. 字 = character. 拼音 = pin yin. 意思 = meaning.

Building Blocks 1

You Me We

Pin Yin Definition in English
shì to be
zhōng middle
rén person, people
I, me
guó country
dōu both, all
měi beautiful
yīng English, Brave
men plural
kěshi 可是 but
ma question
ne what about?

Building Blocks 2

Think Can Because

Pin Yin Definition in English
máng busy
hěn very
wèi shén me 為什麼 why
kàn look, read
xiàn zài 現在 now
xiǎng want, think of
shū book
jiàn see (a person)
tài too much
néng can
yīng wèi 因為 because
lǎo shī 老師 teacher
péng yǒu 朋友 friend

Building Blocks 3

Chinese Wife Really

Pin Yin Definition in English
diàn shì 電視 television
de of
zhè this
zhōng wén 中文 Chinese
tài tai 太太 wife
shén me 什麼 what
shuō speak
huì be able to
yī diǎnr 一點兒 a little
dāng rán 當然 of course
shuí who
xué shēng 學生 student
zhēn de 真的 really
jiāng huì 將會 will

Word Family


Pin Yin Definition in English
xīn kǔ 辛苦 toilsome
gǔ dài 古代 antiquity
gù shì 故事 story
zuò shì 做事 do a thing
gǎn dòng 感動 move, touch
gǎn xiè 感謝 touched and thankful
fàng qīng sōng 放輕鬆 relax
shēn hū xī 深呼吸 breath deeply
shì yìng 適應 adjusted

Building Blocks 4

Mother at home

Pin Yin Definition in English
mā ma 媽媽 mother
ge measure word
yī ge 一個 a, an
zài at
jiā home
nǎr 哪兒 where
yuǎn far
dà gài 大概 probably
běi jīng 北京 Beijing
zhù to live, to stay
shàng hǎi 上海 Shanghai
yǒu have
nán male
cè suǒ 廁所 toilet

Building Blocks 5

Desk at home Today

Pin Yin Definition in English
méi yǒu 沒有 not have
nàme 那麼 well in that case
tài hǎo le 太好了 wonderful
zài jiā lǐ 在家裡 inside the home
zài jiā 在家 to be at home
zhuō zi 桌子 table
tái table cantonese expression
Lún dūn 倫敦 London
yào want
hěn duō 很多 a lot of
to go
rèn shi 認識 to meet
měi tiān 每天 everyday
jīn tiān 今天 Today
qǐng wèn 請問 excuse
pīn yīn 拼音 spell out the sound

Building Blocks 6

Ask See Most

Pin Yin Definition in English
aiya 唉呀 too bad, terrible
wèn ask
shàng on
kàn jiàn 看見 notice, see
jiā yóu 加油 cheer on
bǎo zhòng 保重 take care
rú guǒ 如果 if
xià under
zài ... xià 在 ... 下 under
zuì most, -est
cǎn 慘慘 miserable
chǒu 醜醜 ugly
ér shì 而是 rather
lā liàn 拉鏈 zipper
huài diào 壞掉 spoilt, ruined
dān xīn 擔心 worry

Word Family 2


Pin Yin Definition in English
jìan wèi 敬畏 fear, revere
yī jù huà 一句話 a sentence

Building Blocks 7

Thank you school

Pin Yin Definition in English
jué de 覺得 feel
ō ō 喔 喔 sudden realization
xiè xie 謝謝 thank you
bù yào kè qì 不要客氣 not at all, don't mention it
yǒu have
méi yǒu 沒有 don't have
zài nǎr yǒu shū? 在哪兒有書 Where is there a book?
xué xiào 學校 school
zhèr 這兒 here
nàr 那兒 there
yǒu de 有的 there is/are
dùi correct
bú cuò 不錯 correct
bú dùi 不對 not correct

Building Blocks 8

Know You are welcome

Pin Yin Definition in English
qǐng wèn 請問 excuse me
bà ba 爸爸 father
zhī dào 知道 to know
yào shuō 要說 want to speak
néng shuō 能說 can speak
xiān shēng 先生 mister, husband
xiān first, before
hěn duō 很多 very many, many
bú xiè 不謝 you are welcome
zài jiàn 再見 Good bye
lái to come
bù néng lái 不能來 cannot come
dùi (ma) 對 (嗎) right?
mǎi to buy
bú yào 不要 not want

Word Family 3

Guide Teach

Pin Yin Definition in English
dōng xi 東西 a thing, things
kàn kàn 看看 to take a look
zhǐ jiào 指教 give advice, comment
gào sù 告訴 tell

Building Blocks 9

Drink Tea Study

Pin Yin Definition in English
xiē plural
zhè xiē 這些 these
chī fàn 吃飯 eat rice
cān guǎn 餐館 restaurant
cài dish of food, vegetable
fàn diàn 飯店 hotel
yī bēi chá 一杯茶 a cup of tea
ba suggestion ending
kā fēi 咖啡 coffee
qǐng please
mǎ dōng xi 買東西 buy something
hǎo good
míng tiān 明天 Tomorrow
xué xí 學習 study

Building Blocks 10

Mother at home

Pin Yin Interesting Happy Mother's Day
nǎ gè 哪個 which one
wèn tí 問題 problem
méi wèn tí 沒問題 No problem
dòu fu 豆腐 to fu
hǎo chī 好吃 delicious
hǎo kàn 好看 good-looking
yǒu yìsi 有意思 interesting
juè de 覺得 feel, think
è hungry
zuó tiān 昨天 yesterday
mǔ qīn jié kuài lè 母親節快樂 happy mother's day
láo lì 勞力 labor with one's strength
nǔ lì 努力 make great effort
gōng zuò 工作 work
bǎo nuǎn 保暖 stay warm