A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. - Proverbs 15:1

Components - Building Blocks 字

On this page, you can learn the pronunciation of Chinese words and their meaning. Use Google translate to learn how to pronounce the Chinese words. 字 = character. 拼音 = pin yin. 意思 = meaning.

Building Blocks 11

Find work freedom

Pin Yin Definition in English
xià yīcì 下一次 next time
zhǎo find
gōng zuò 工作 work
tiān kōng 天空 sky
zuì liàng 最亮 brightest
xīng xīng 星星 star
zì yóu 自由 freedom
fàng jià 放假 holiday
wǎng zhàn 網站 website
diàn nǎo wǎng luò 電腦網絡 internet
néng gòu 能夠 can
kě yǐ 可以 can
pǔ tōng huà 普通話 Mandarin - the common spoken language
huò zhě 或者 or
guó yǔ 國語 Mandarin - the language of the nation

Building Blocks 12

Loving Grace

Pin Yin Definition in English
kě néng 可能 may
lì hài 利害 revengeful, getting even and not forgiving - Southern Chinese
lì hài 厲害 revengeful, getting even and not forgiving - Northern Chinese
dàn fāng 大方 generous
ài xīn 愛心 loving
gǔ lì 鼓勵 encourage
zǎ ān 早安 Good morning
nèi inside
wài outside
yǎng support, raise, grow, provide
gōng fū 功夫 effort
xióng grand, powerful, mighty, imposing
xǐ huan 喜歡 like
shí wù 食物 food
měi lì 美麗 beautiful

Building Blocks 13

Bible Gospel

Pin Yin Definition in English
shèn jīng 聖經 bible
fú yīn 福音 gospel
xìn xī 信息 message
Huǒ fire
yán inflammation
yàn 焱/焰 flames
fén burn
mù, shù 木, 樹 wood, tree
lín forest
sēn lín 森林 forest
běn foundation, the roots
dāi, bèn dàn 呆, 笨蛋 slow-witted/dull, fool
rì běn 日本 Japan

Building Blocks 14

Person ask

Pin Yin Definition in English
chāng prosperous
jīng sparkling
míng brightness, Tomorrow
dàn sunrise
yán moon
rén person
cóng (fú, tī, shù) 服從, 聽從, 順從 follow, comply with, obey
zhòng crowd
kǒu mouth
qiú prisoner
mén door
shuān door bolt, latch
wèn ask
duǒ shǎn 躲閃 dodge

Word Family 1

Building Blocks Decipher Chinese

Pin Yin Definition in English
jù zi 句子 a sentence
chéng yǔ 成語 proverb, idiom
zī yuán 資源 resource
nǐ hǎo 你好 Hello
gè wèi 各位 Everybody
shēn tǐ 身體 Body

Building Blocks 15

Mountain woman water

Pin Yin Definition in English
shān mountain
chū out
chū kǒu 出口 exit
biàn shuō 辯說 debate
tōng jiān 通姦 adultery
shàng fū 丈夫 husband
yáng sheep
niú cow
zhū pig
huǒ shān 火山 volcano
qiáng wall
shuǐ water
kǒu shuǐ 口水 saliva
chū qù 出去 go out

Building Blocks 16

Pen Paper Make

Pin Yin Definition in English
zhǐ paper
qián money
shēng chǎn 生產 produce
zuò to make, to do
niàn to read, to chant, to think, to study
dǒng understand
shén very
an interrogative particle
dōng east
西 west
xiān first
liù six

Building Blocks 17

Read Write Bowl

Pin Yin Definition in English
jiǔ nine
few, nearly
liǎng two
jú huā chá 菊花茶 chrysanthemum tea
gǒu qǐ zi 枸杞子 Goji berry, wolfberry
xiě write
wǎn basin, cup, bowl
gas, air, breath, spirit, weather
jiàn item
yī fú 衣服 clothes
shāng clothes for the lower part of the body
to take hold of, grasp