Solar System

One exciting thing from solar system is the exploration of outer space and travel to other planets.

Solar system

Key Words in Solar System

Word Definition
Terrestrial Planets are smaller, rocky (denser) planets. Four planets closest to the sun.
Jovian Planets are larger, gaseous (lighter) planets. Four planets farthest away from the sun.
Meteor outer space rock burning up as it falls through the atmosphere.
Lunar Altair Lander

Key Things to Know in Solar System

Mars Rover

Example 1

Compared to the terrestrial planets, the Jovian planets are
(1) larger and less dense
(2) smaller and more dense
(3) closer to the Sun and less rocky
(4) farther from the Sun and more rocky

On p. 15 of ESRT, terrestrial planets (4 planets closest to the sun) have higher density and smaller equatorial diameter. Jovian planets (4 planets farthest from the sun) have lower density and larger equatorial diameter. (1)


1. Compared to the terrestrial planets, the Jovian planets have
(1) smaller diameters
(2) greater average densities
(3) slower rates of rotation
(4) longer periods of revolution

2. The terrestrial planets differ from the Jovian planets because the terrestrial planets are
(1) less dense and larger
(2) less dense and smaller
(3) more dense and larger
(4) more dense and smaller