Geologic History

One exciting thing from geologic history is the fossil records of coral.

Coral Reef

Key Words in Geologic History

Word Definition
Original horizontality rock layers were originally horizontal when they were formed by deposition of sediments.
Superposition the lower layer is older, and the layer above is younger, when the layers were not disturbed or overturned.
Radioactive half-life period the time for half of the atoms in a sample of radioactive isotope to decay
Index fossils fossils that are easy to recognize, existed for a brief period of time, and are found over a large geographic area.

Key Things to Know in Geologic History

Example 1

Which graph best represents human existence on Earth, compared with Earth’s entire history?
exercise Q 5 picture

ESRT p. 8. shows humankind starts at 1.8 mya while the Earth is 4600 mya. People presence is less than 0.04%. (4)


1. How old is a fossil that has radioactively decayed through 4 half-lives of carbon-14?
(1) 5,700 years (3) 22,800 years
(2) 17,100 years (4) 28,500 years

Hint: Apply the concept of radioactive half-life period.