
One exciting thing from models is the three-dimensional interactive sandbox.


Key Words in Models

Word Definition
Earth Science the study of Earth and its surrounding spaces
Coordinate System represents a location on a grid system by where two coordinates meet.
Inference conclusion or prediction based on observation and knowledge.
Observation information obtained by five senses or measured by instruments (rulers, thermometers)
Density describes the concentration of matter by the ratio of mass to volume.
Unit the standard of measurements by which other measurements are compared to.
Oblate spheroid a nearly perfect sphere that is slightly flat on the top and bottom and slightly bulging on its side.
Lithosphere the rocky, solid (rigid) outer layer of the Earth.
Isoline a line along which the field value remains the same
Isotherm an isoline along which the temperature remains the same.
Contour line an isoline along which the elevation remains the same
Topographic Map a map with contour lines connecting places with the same elevation.
Gradient the change in field value divided by distance.
Profile Cross section; cutaway view.

Key Things to Know in Models

Example 1

Oxygen is the most abundant element by volume in Earth’s
(1) inner core (3) hydrosphere
(2) troposphere (4) crust

ESRT p.1 shows oxygen is most abundant (a lot) by volume for crust. (4) Most abundant means the most.


1.The diagram below shows an observer on Earth viewing the star Polaris.
exercise Q 5 picture
What is this observer’s latitude?
(1) 38° N (3) 52° N
(2) 38° S (4) 52° S