
One exciting thing from earthquake is the study of seismic waves leading to the discovery of outer core layer being liquid.

Outer Core Layer is liquid

Key Words in Earthquakes

Word Definition
Primary waves are P-waves. fastest. longitudinal = vibrates back and forth
Secondary waves are S-waves. slower. transverse = vibrates from side to side.
Earthquake sudden movement of Earth's crust that releases energy.
Focus is the origin of an earthquake.
Epicenter is the place directly above the focus on Earth's surface.
Refraction P-waves change direction as it enters into a different layer.
Seismograph a machine that records the earthquake waves.
Seismogram a recording of earthquake waves.
Origin time the time when both P-wave and S-wave start to travel.
Travel time the time for earthquake waves to travel.
Subduction Two tectonic plates converge. One plate goes underneath another plate.
Seafloor spreading happens at the mid-ocean ridge where new magma comes out as 2 plates diverge.

Key Things to Know in Earthquakes

Example 1

Alternating parallel bands of normal and reversed magnetic polarity are found in the basaltic bedrock on either side of the
(1) Mid-Atlantic Ridge
(2) Yellowstone Hot Spot
(3) San Andreas Fault
(4) Peru-Chile Trench

These bands of magnetic polarity only happens at a mid-ocean ridge where new rocks are formed as magma comes out onto Earth's surface. (1)


1. The diagram below shows a laboratory setup. The rubber band holds filter paper across the base of the open tube to hold the soil sample. The tube was placed in the water as shown. The upward movement of water is represented by arrows. The height of the water that moved upward within the soil was measured. Students repeated this procedure using soils with different particle sizes. Results of the experiment are shown in the data table.
exercise Q 5 picture
Results of this experiment lead to the conclusion that
(1) capillarity is greater in soils with larger particles
(2) capillarity is greater in soils with smaller particles
(3) permeability is greater in soils with larger particles
(4) permeability is greater in soils with smaller particles