
One exciting thing from climate is the long-term atmospheric conditions that make forest possible.


Key Words in Climate

Word Definition
Climate the average weather condition in an area over a long period of time (long term).
Arid dry.
Humid wet.
Urban Heat Island Effect Urban area is hotter than rural area because urban area has more concrete than rural area. Rural area has more plants (containing water) which keep the temperature in the countryside more moderate
Cloud a huge body of water droplets which are condensed onto dust in the air.
Wind movement of air. Name of wind indicates the direction from which it comes from.
Sea Breeze wind that comes from the sea.
Land Breeze wind that comes from the land.
Monsoon seasonal wind direction.
Tropical usually warm.
Temperate season of warm and season of cold.
Polar usually cold.

Key Things to Know in Climate

Example 1

The diagram below shows air masses, clouds, and rain associated with two fronts that are influencing weather conditions in New York State. Letters A, B, and C represent three air masses. The arrows show the direction of air and front movements.
ex 1 diagram
Identify the most likely geographic source region for air mass B.

Cold air comes from farther north where it is closer to the North Pole (freezing cold), and dry air comes from land (less moisture than marine/ocean region). The source region is most likely central Canada.


1. In New York State, summer is warmer than winter because in summer New York State has
(1) fewer hours of daylight and receives low-angle insolation
(2) fewer hours of daylight and receives high-angle insolation
(3) more hours of daylight and receives low-angle insolation
(4) more hours of daylight and receives high-angle insolation