Weathering and Erosion

One fascinating thing from weathering and erosion is the formation of natural arch.

Outer Core Layer is liquid

Key Words in Weathering and Erosion

Word Definition
Weathering the breaking down of rocks.
Physical weathering breaks down of rocks into smaller rocks.
Chemical weathering changes a rock into different substance which is usually a weaker material.
Soil is a mixture of weathered rocks and humus.
Humus is the decomposed remains of dead plants and animals.
Erosion the transportation of rocks and sediments by river, wind, glacier and force of gravity.
Mass movement the moving of sediments and rocks by gravity.
Agents of erosion the substances that move rocks and sediments. Examples are water, wind, ice.
Glacier a large block of ice that move by gravity.
Deposition the settling of sediments that were carried by agents of erosion.
Sorting the separation of sediments by their size.
Dunes hills of sand formed as a result of the erosion and deposition of sand by wind.
Dynamic Equilibrium the rate of deposition is equal to the rate of erosion.
Watershed is also called water basin. Watershed is an area where smaller rivers all flow into a larger river.
Meander is the wandering of a river.
Discharge is the amount of water flowing in a stream.
Drainage pattern shows the path rivers flow in an area.
Runoff is the flow of water downhill on a surface due to gravity.
Permeability is a measure of how easily water flows through a substance.
Porosity is the amount of empty space in a substance.
Capillarity water goes up in a thin, narrow tube.
Striations the parallel scratch marks left behind by glaciers dragging loose sediments against the surface of a bedrock .
Moraines the large amount of rocks left behind by a glacier (glacial deposition).

Key Things to Know in Weathering and Erosion

Example 1

Deposition within a meandering stream usually occurs on the inside of the curves because the
(1) water velocity decreases
(2) stream gradient increases
(3) water is deeper
(4) stream is narrower

Deposition happens when the stream of water slows down. Water slows down in the inside curve of the meandering stream. (1)


1. New York State’s generalized landscape regions are identified primarily on the basis of elevation and
(1) bedrock structure (3) geologic age
(2) climate zones (4) latitude